Anulom-Vilom – Alternate nostril breathing
Anulom – Vilom Pranayama or Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise or Nadi – Shodhana Pranayama.

- Sit in any meditative posture either Sukhasana, Padmasana etc.
- Spine should be upright
- Using the right thumb, close the right nostril. Inhale through the left nostril for 2 seconds. Now close both nostrils and hold the breath for 4 seconds. (Cardiac, Blood pressure patients and pregnant women should not hold their breath while doing this pranayama just keep inhaling and exhaling.)
- Keep the left nostril closed and release the right nostril. Exhale through the right nostril for 2 seconds. Now inhale through the right nostril for 2 seconds. close both the nostrils and hold the breath for 4 seconds. Keep the right nostril closed and release the left nostril. Exhale for 2 seconds from the left nostril. Close both the nostrils. Hold the breath in suspension for 2 seconds. This completes one single round.
- Start the cycle again this time inhaling from the right nostril. Repeat for a maximum of 10 rounds. Try to increase the counts of inhalation and exhalation with regular practice. Try to maintain the ratio of equal counts for inhalation, exhalation, and suspension of the breath while holding the breath for double the duration.
Anulom Vilom Pranayama Benefits-
- It helps to relieve depression, stress, and anxiety.
- Regular practice has known to be very helpful and useful in treating respiratory disorders such as Asthma, bronchitis, etc.
- Various researches done indicated that by doing this alternate breathing exercise serious health disorders, such as heart problems, severe depression, high blood pressure, arthritis, migraine pain have been allayed.
- Helpful is overcoming negative thoughts. Thinking becomes positive and you can overcome negative emotions such as anger, forgetfulness, uneasiness, and frustrations.
- Concentration, patience, focus, decision-making ability and inventiveness also increase as advantages of this pranayama.
- Balances out the Vata, Pitta and Kapha -3 doshas of the body.
- Improves lung capacity and oxygenation throughout the body.
- Effective pranayama for weight loss and streamlines metabolism.
- Commonplace disorders such as constipation, acidity, allergic problems, asthma, and snoring are allayed.
- Excellent work out for a naturally glowing skin.
- Helps to keep diabetes under control.
- Relieves fever, eye concerns, and ear issues.
- Easy to do Yoga therapy for complete relaxation of mind, body, and soul. Try today and enjoy the health benefits.
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