Anand Yoga Ashram is a registered Yoga School, registered with Yoga Alliance. We offer 200 hours Yoga teacher training courses, providing you with an internationally recognised Yoga Instructor’s certification.

The course is suitable for complete beginners and more advanced Yoga practitioners who would like to start teaching or to deepen their own practice.
200 hours teachers training is an additional skill for those already in the fitness and coaching industry, such as Personal Trainers, teachers, physiotherapists, councillors/psychotherapists, coaches, Doctors and other Health Professionals.

The course provides profound personal transformation, as well as the gift of being able to share Yoga with others. It can provide full-time career, a career change or an additional part-time revenue stream. As well as being a great investment financially, even more importantly, it is an investment in your health and the health of others, which is priceless!

Some of the Benefits

  • Teach and earn through sharing Yoga
  • Deepen your own practice and achieve profound personal transformation
  • Achieve a better work-life balance
  • Learn the true meaning of yoga
  • Attain a balanced state of mind, learn to manage stress effectively

Summary of the Course

  • Yoga Asana – physical practices
  • Meditation & Pranayama (yogic breathing techniques)
  • Yogic Detox techniques
  • Yoga Philosophy & History of Yoga
  • Yogic Diet & Lifestyle
  • Yoga Sutras (ancient Yogic scriptures)
  • Teaching methods & how to start your Yoga business

For the FULL course syllabus, please see below

Module 1: Introduction to Yoga


1.1         Introduction to Yoga

1.2         Introduction to Patanjali Yoga Sutras

1.3         Introduction to Hatha Yoga

1.4         Yogic Concepts


Module 2: Human Anatomy – Yoga and Wellness


2.1        Anatomy & Physiology

2.2        Yoga for Wellness

2.3        Yoga and Stress Management

2.4.       Yogic Diet



Module 3: Shat Karma, Mudra & Bandhas


3.1           Shat Karma (Yogic Detox Techniques)

3.2           Mudra (Yogic Hand Gestures)  

3.3           Bandha (Yogic Locks)  


Module 4: Sukshma Vyayama, Surya Namaskar


4.1       Sukshma Vyayama (Joint Mobilization Exercises)  

4.2       Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations)  


Module 5: Asanas (physical postures)


Module 6: Pranayama (breathing techniques)


Module 7: Meditation Techniques


Module 8: Teaching Practice & starting your Yoga Business

Begin your yoga journey with bliss (Anand = the Sanskrit term for Bliss). We are here to help you learn the real meaning of Yoga, combining ancient traditions and modern Yogic science.

FEES – Contact us here for payment plans/ Scholarship Discounts


Start your yoga journey now

Online Yoga Teacher Training

Whether you’re a newcomer looking to break into the industry or simply want to expand your existing fitness practice, you can qualify in a matter of weeks with our online Yoga Courses.