Mudra – Yogic Hand Gestures – Hasta Mudra

Yogic Hand Gestures (Mudras) Mudras are hand gestures also known as Hasta Mudra. In India Hrishi and Munis (Saint and Sages) have done great contribution in sharing amazing ancient philosophies Yoga, Samkhya, Veda & Upanishads and more, that helps humanity till date and supports the human wholistic health. Humans can stay healthy physically and mentally […]

Pranayama – Anulom Vilom – Alternate Nostril Breathing

a man and a woman doing yoga

Anulom-Vilom – Alternate nostril breathing Anulom – Vilom Pranayama or Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise or Nadi – Shodhana Pranayama. This is not just a breathing exercise, but it is a noteworthy yogic technique that involves controlling of subtle ‘Pranic energies’ (or vital force or bio-energies) of our body flowing through specific channels. The ‘ida’ and […]