‘I decide to strengthen my body and it begins with steadfastness of my mind.

Can a single idea stay in mind for a long? For material gain this is necessary; for spiritual growth imperative! Let me try it. Just one idea, nothing else’!

Vajrasana is the posture that enhances strength, unwaveringness, stability and virility.

Method of Practice

Starting Position

  1. Assume a kneeling position on a mat, the knees touching each other. Let the toes touch each other and the heels remain apart.


  1. Lower the body and sit comfortably on the hollow formed by the toes and heels.
  2. Hold the body erect, the head neck and body in a natural line, the abdomen held in normal contour.
  3. Place the hands upon their respective knees palms facing downwards.
  4. Close the eyes (or keep your gaze fixed at one point) and passively observe the breath. Sit for around five to ten minutes.

Posture Release

  1. Slowly open the eyes and gently assume…. to the starting position and gently stretch the legs forward.


  1. Offers uniform postural fixity and corrects postural defects.
  2. Improves blood circulation to the abdominal region thus helping improve digestion.
  3. Beneficial in conditions like sciatica, severe lower back problems, constipation, stomach disorder, digestive problems, acidity.
  4. Flexibility of lower limbs develops. The generative organs are toned along with toning of the muscles of hips, thighs and calves.
  5. It aids in relief from urinary problems.
  6. This posture calms the mind and relaxes the nerves.
  7. Slow and rhythmic breathing in this position can induce a meditative state.
  8. Improves concentration as the mind remains focussed.
  9. Awareness of thoughts and mindfulness increases as we learn to be in the present

Limitations / Contraindications

  1. Acute arthritis
  2. Very high or low blood pressure
  3. When one is feeling low or depressed this posture helps if the eyes are kept open and the awareness is to keep the body still.

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